
Stream free movies, shows and anime.

How to install

Firestick Other devices Already have Syncler installed?


Free forever

Always free.

Free sources

Includes plenty of free sources to choose from.

Debrid sources

Includes hoster and torrent sources support by debrid services (Real-Debrid, All-Debrid, Premiumize)

Cached sources

Sources are automatically cached for quicker results for all future searches.

Optional providers

Includes multiple optional providers for one click installation.

Zero configuration

No configuration needed

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Simply download and install on your device (android). Browse to your favorite content, click play.

  • Yes.

    1. Launch app on your device.
    2. Settings > Content > MAL catalog > Enable
    3. Go to Home, click refresh button and then using the drop down, switch to MAL catalog
    4. Search and stream.
  • Yes. Always will be.

  • Yes. Plenty.

  • Yes.

  • No. But some features (cached torrents etc) are unavailable (locked by Syncler developers not Bouncy). Having Syncler+ helps.

  • Multiple websites are searched for sources. These sources are cached so all future searches for the same content is quicker. More users would mean more cached results, meaning quicker results. Please share this with your family and friends.

  • Yes. Can be found at Settings > Provider packages > My packages

  • Law different in every country. Please check with your local law before using the app. We bear no responsibility.

  • There is no customer support. I made Bouncy to practice my programming skills. I don't get paid for it nor do I want to.

    You may post in providers4syncler and other users might help you out.

  • Bouncy is a provider package developed by me for Syncler. Syncler is a 3rd party app and I have no direct or indirect affiliation with it. App provided in this page is a provisioned (with Bouncy package) installer apk as documented here.

    Bouncy does not host any content on it's servers. It only searches the internet for content and returns results if found similar to a search engine like Google. Therefore it cannot guarantee accuracy or legality of the content found. You are responsible for checking with your local law before using the app.